Thinking "Here Goes Nothing..."
Jul 10, 2018Have you ever tried something new, felt excited with anticipation about the possibilities, but your self-doubt takes over? The negative chatter in your head holds you back from believing you're worthy of something great. How do you bust out of your negative beliefs? First, know that what you're about to do is going to stretch you.
Taking risks is a part of life, part of growth and part of what shapes you. Imagine you're an architect, and your life is your dream home. Your home needs a solid foundation to build on - starting with self-love. When you have built your self-esteem, that gives you the confidence to be kind and love others.
What kind of life do you want to build? A life of exhilarating, memorable moments, or a life of regret because you let fear into your dream home? The next time you feel doubt creep in, recognize it, look it right in the eye, and take the risk to do something extraordinary!
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